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Just a side note: These Video Downloads and DVD's were recorded directly from VHS tapes which are between 20 and 30 years old. We've done our very best to clean them up, and at times, have sought professional help in order to do so. The proceeds generated from the site along with other monies (Donations, Pledges, etc.) are used for site maintenance and materials needed. Our plan is to rotate and add videos on a regular basis. If there is any particular subject matter that you might be interested in, please use the "Contact Us" area on our Home page and we'll do our very best to locate and provide the video if available.
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Dr. Glenn Kinley 2/15/93 Clip
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Dr. Glenn Kinley 6/7/1994 Clip
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Dr. Glenn Kinley 8 /28 /1994 Clip
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Dr. Glenn Kinley 8/30/94 Clip
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